Monday 20 July 2015

Tulasi and Baby Manjari

Dear Readers;

The internet is a weird and wonderful place. I lost my blog some time back but somehow or other today it reappeared! Wahoo!! here is a  picture of Tulasi and her baby Manjari. These are two of our latest rescues.

Baby Manjari and Mama Tulasi earning their keep by munching away at the front lawn and fertilizing it at the same time!  

Manjari is very strong.....our son Rama came up behind her as I was holding onto her harness. She must have been frightened because she whipped her head around and in the process sent me flying at least three feet into the air. Somehow I tucked my body into fetal position and rolled three times to the fence."
Found on the internet...somewhere......

"OMG..are you alright mom?" son asked, as he helped me up. Apparently.....according to him... I was lying flat on my back..laughly rather maniacally. I tend to do..(I am told) when, I am either hurt or in shock.

Really though it was just another day on the farm.

My husband has always told me ,"You neverrrr know what's going to happen until you git oot  the doorrrr....because life is one grrrrreat big adventurrrre ." ..insert Scottish accent...

Long story short.....Tulasi and Manjari have now joined the herd. Tulasi is getting jostled around and is slowly finding her place in the herd. She has such a sweet nature but stubborn so she is neither at the bottom nor the top....but I must say..this morning she seemed to be pleading with us using her eyes. I'm sure that she was saying..."HELP....HELP..GET ME OUT OF HERE! That bull is horny and I'm not talking about those pointy things on his head!"

Until next time,
Hare Krsna,

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